Fantastic Offers

Stampin’ Up! is making the Summer wonderful. There are two offers going on. First a fabulous recruiting promotion.

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Instead of the usual $125 of product for $99 with free shipping when you join up, how about $155 PLUS a $10 coupon code to spend the following month. This runs through the end of August but why wait? Once you sign up you get a 20% discount on all the product. Click on the banner above to start the process.

The next offer is for everyone but only lasts this month

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For each $50 of product that you buy, Stampin’ Up! will send you a $5 coupon which you can spend in August. Click on the banner to go to my shop.

I’m a member of the Talented Tutorial Team and each month the 14 of us create a bundle of 14 tutorials. For every $10 in product that you order through me, I’ll send you one of them. If you spend $50, I’ll send you all 14.

Click on the buttons below to join my team or shop. This month’s host code is above the Shop Now tab in the menu on the left. Just copy and paste it or type it into the box at the bottom of your order where it says HOST CODE and then click apply.

join shop

See you soon,


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